Clockwork Brochure No 4 - 2025
Sewing Threads Comprehensive Colour Selection of Sewing Threads in 35 and 75.
SEW-D35PP10 White* SEW-D35PP100 Raw Natural* SEW-D35PP4785 Natural Bleach* SEW-D35PP4955 Vanilla* SEW-D35PP4834 Beige* SEW-D35PP18200 Rose Gold* SEW-D35PP18299 Sepia SEW-D35PP5518 Uluru* SEW-D35PP18302 Hot Chocolate SEW-D35PP18300 Dark Brown* SEW-D35PP2117 Golden Brown* SEW-D35PP18292 Rust* SEW-D35PP18263 Sand Storm SEW-D35PP18251 Butterscotch* SEW-D35PP1512 Space Hopper* SEW-D35PP18287 Orangutan SEW-D35PP2018 Canary Yellow* SEW-D35PP10339 Cherry Red* SEW-D35PP11932 Maroon* SEW-D35PP226 Aubergine*
SEW-D35PP10150 Coral Pink SEW-D35PP18211 Pink* SEW-D35PP18250 Magenta SEW-D35PP18238 Plum SEW-D35PP2577 Iris SEW-D35PP9929 Parisian Purple SEW-D35PP11923 Cougar* SEW-D35PP11924 Lizard Grey* SEW-D35PP3934 Badger Grey* SEW-D35PP3526 Military Grey SEW-D35PP9373 Drab Olive* SEW-D35PP1841 Drab Scrim* SEW-D35PP1608 Stone* SEW-D35PP18226 Dark Gold* SEW-D35PP18202 Bark SEW-D35PP18229 Apple SEW-D35PP10139 Green* SEW-D35PP18267 Reed Green* SEW-D35PP258 Crocodile SEW-D35PP18320 Spruce*
SEW-D35PP9973 Pine Green SEW-D35PP18326 Seaweed SEW-D35PP18308 Peacock SEW-D35PP18353 Crystal SEW-D35PP18319 Aqua SEW-D35PP9091 Washed Denim* SEW-D35PP18366 Curacao SEW-D35PP18219 Cobalt SEW-D35PP18317 Sapphire Blue* SEW-D35PP4077 Dolphin* SEW-D35PP18329 Night Sky SEW-D35PP276 Dark Denim SEW-D35PP3908 Royal Blue SEW-D35PP3972 Hippopotamus SEW-D35PP11943 Slate Grey* SEW-D35PP3919 Koala* SEW-D35PP3971 Light Silver* SEW-D35PP18332 Elderberry SEW-D35PP495 Brown Grey*
SEW-D35PP20 Black*
For 75’s SEWD35PP10 becomes SEWD75PP10 etc
Durak core spun polyester sewing threads available from stock in 35s on 5000m cones, 75s available where shown, also on 5000m cones. Special colours are possible subject to a 10kg minimum order. For other thread types please contact our customer services team to discuss your application. For our latest colour card please also ask customer services.
* Also available from stock in 75’s
Call now: 01993 775 767
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